A DeFi solution token with direct
impact in the real world.
What is Billings?
The Billings Project unites blockchain technology and NFTs to finance socio-environmental solutions at Billings Dam. Addressing ecological, social and economic issues, it rewards NFT holders and improves the lives of communities, driving development in the region.
A token with a direct impact on the real world.
How it works?
Buy an NFT, solve a problem in the real world and earn rewards.
The Challenge
Billings Reservoir
The Billings ecosystem is an important water reservoir located in the metropolitan region of São Paulo and is responsible for supplying millions of people in the region. However, the dam has suffered from the impact of urban and industrial development and needs urgent action to ensure its recovery and preservation.
How can I help?

Road Map

Q4 - 2022
Social media
Web site
OpenSea Collection
Angel Capitalization
NFT Sales
Q4 - 2023
Q1 - 2024
Billings Token Pre-Sale
Liquidity Pools
Token Release
Token Billings Rewards
Q3 - 2023
Capitalization Whitepaper 1.0
Q4 - 2024

We Tokenize Problems
and finance the solutions

The Billings Token
The Billings Token

First Environmental Solution Token
NFT´s Rewards
Clear Objectives
Community Action Funding
Locked liquidity pool
Real impact in the real world
Job Creation